
“ the Bird of Paradise”
The Bird of Paradise or “Hooma”is a creature with origins in the mythology, legend and folklore of Persia.
It’s existence represents supernatural connection to life and immortality;
it also referes to as the bird of fortune, it is a compassionate creature and symoolizes happiness. It feeds on dew and never touches the ground.Foremost, the Bird of Paradise never rests from flight.

Hooma will never be seen perching in a tree or picking about on the ground, not even swooping in to pick up some small animal as its prey; Instead, it remains in flight all its days.
It also makes apparent some hint of intelligence beyond that of a mundane bird.

In Sufi tradition, catching Hooma is beyond even the wildest imagination, but catching a glimpse of it or even a shadow of it is sure to make one happy for the rest of his/her life. It is also believed that it cannot be caught alive, and the person killing a it will die in forty days...

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