Hoopoe (Hod Hod)

The 12th Century Persian mystical poem ‘Conference of the Birds’, has Hoopoe as the designated ‘messenger of the invisible world’, with the ‘crown of truth upon his head’. Hoopoe is the priest-guide of all the birds on a spiritual pilgrimage to discover God –ultimately  the Hoopoe leads the birds to a reflective pool where they see not God but themselves , thus  suggesting that God is reflected in each of us.

The Hoopoe was sacred in various religions; for instance it was a diviner of knowledge to the prophet-king Solomon, it had the ability to reveal the presence of ‘secret’ springs and wells.

In Southern Africa, the Hoopoe represents a loyal friend, and its hooting call foretells of a visitor who will stand by you.

The Hoopoe’s reputation as an uncommonly caring bird is also indicated in Greek and Roman mythology.

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